
IEC TS 62607-9-1 "Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 9-1: Traceable  spatially resolved nano-scale stray magnetic field measurements - Magnetic force microscopy" has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC TS 62607-9-1 “Nanomanufacturing – Key control characteristics – Part 9-1: Traceable spatially resolved nano-scale stray magnetic field measurements – Magnetic force microscopy” has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC Abstract: IEC 62607-9-1: 2021 establishes a standardized method to characterize spatially varying magnetic fields with a spatial resolution down to 10 nm for flat magnetic specimens by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). MFM primarily detects the stray field component perpendicular to the sample surface. The…

IEC TS 62607-6-10 "Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-10: Graphene-based material - Sheet resistance: Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy" has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC TS 62607-6-10 “Nanomanufacturing – Key control characteristics – Part 6-10: Graphene-based material – Sheet resistance: Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy” has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC Abstract: IEC TS 62607-6-10:2021 establishes a standardized method to determine the electrical key control characteristic sheet resistance (Rs) for films of graphene-based materials by terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). In this technique, a THz pulse is sent to the graphene-based material. The transmitted or…

IEC TS 62607-6-19 "Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-19: Graphene-based material - Elemental composition: CS analyser, ONH analyser" has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC TS 62607-6-19 “Nanomanufacturing – Key control characteristics – Part 6-19: Graphene-based material – Elemental composition: CS analyser, ONH analyser” has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC Abstract: IEC TS 62607-6-19:2021 establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic elemental composition for powder consisting of graphene-based material by CS analyser and ONH analyser. The method as described in this document determines the content of carbon (C), sulfur (S),…

IEC TS 62607-6-6 "Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-6: Graphene - Strain uniformity: Raman spectroscoopy" has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC TS 62607-6-6 “Nanomanufacturing – Key control characteristics – Part 6-6: Graphene – Strain uniformity: Raman spectroscoopy” has been published by IEC/TC 113

IEC Abstract: IEC TS 62607-6-6:2021 establishes a standardized method to determine the structural key control characteristic strain uniformity for single-layer graphene by Raman spectroscopy. The width of the 2D-peak in the Raman spectrum is analysed to calculate the strain uniformity parameter which is a figure…