17 years of industrial experience with technical and business responsibilities – 21 years in academia – 23 years in national and international standardization organizations.
October 2015 – today: Partner at ISC International Standards Consulting GmbH & Co. KG, Gehrden, Germany
September 2001 – June 2015 Professor of Electrical Engineering at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
- Research Topics microelectronic, photovoltaics, quality engineering, standardization
- Official retirement 2015
October 1985 – August 2001: Siemens Semiconductor Division / Infineon Technologies
- Management of a laboratory for crystal defect and contamination analysis for silicon integrated circuit technology de-vice lines / Siemens AG, Munich, Germany 1985 – 1990
- Head of analysis group of defect and contamination analysis at the 4 Mbit DRAM production plant of Siemens in Regensburg, Germany 1990 – 1994
- Worldwide Manager of the Silicon Wafer Supplier Management Group of Siemens, Munich 1995 – 1998
- Director of Quality Management and Business Excellence at the Munich Production Plant of the Siemens Semiconductor Group / Infineon Technologies 1999 – 2001
Assistant Professor 1978 – 1985 at Göttingen University, in this timeframe two research visits at Arhus University, DK (April to October 1979) and Oxford University, UK (mid 1983 – mid 1985).
- Research topics metal contamination and intrinsic gettering / oxygen in silicon
April 1975: Diploma from Göttingen University Germany in Semiconductor Physics
July 1978: Dr. rer. nat. from Göttingen University Germany in Semiconductor Physics
20 years in international standardization in IEC & SEMI.
16 years as the vice chairman of the German mirror committee to IEC/TC 113 “Nanoelectronics“.
8 years as convenor of WG 3 of IEC/TC 113.
8 years as assistant secretary of IEC/TC 113.
17 years SEMI European Regional Technical Committee Co-Chair and Co-Chair of the TC silicon wafers and member of the SEMI Audit and Review Committee.
2012: IEC 1906 Award for his contribution to the nanotechnology standardization activities within the IEC.
2009: Award for contribution to the German Quality Award (Ludwig Erhard Preis) as an Assessor according to the EFQM Model for excellence.
2005: Karl Urbanek Award for his contributions to the SEMI International Standards program.