By the ISC-Team:
The ISC-Team congratulates Dr. Alessandro Cultrera from Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica – INRIM on the IEC 1906 Award 2021.
The 1906 Award commemorates the funding of the electrotechnical commission – IEC which held its inaugural meeting on June 26, 1906 in London. Lord Kelvin was elected as the first president of the IEC. The award is granted in recognition of exceptional individual engagement in a Technical Committee. IEC/TC 113 nominates a maximum of two technical experts per year for the award.
Dr. Alessandro Cultrera received the award for
his contribution to the development of traceable standardized measurements of the electrical properties of graphene-based materials. Based on European metrology research activities, he established two new work items for which he acts as the Project Leader. These projects are remarkable examples for collaboration between research and standardization.
Alessandro Cultrera (b. 1981) holds a degree in Physics of Advanced Technology (2010) and a Ph.D. in Materials Sciences (2014) from Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy, with a thesis entitled “Effects of adsorbates on the electrical and optical properties of mesoporous semiconductors”. In 2014 he joined Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, INRIM – Quantum Metrology and Nano Technologies department, working on the electrical characterisation of nano-structured materials for applications in metrology, and he is now active in the field of precision electronic measurements. He worked extensively on the development of “electrical resistance tomography” applied to thin-film and 2D and nano-structured materials, with several publications about transparent conducting oxide, graphene and nanowire networks. In 2017-2020 INRIM coordinated the EMPIR project 16NRM01 GRACE, devoted to the standardisation of the electrical characterisation of graphene for future electronics, including specific objectives aimed to provide feedback to the IEC/TC113 about validated protocols for the electrical characterisation of graphene. He is currently an active expert in the same TC, leading two technical specifications projects heading toward publication soon.
Picture: Allessandro Cultrera with permission UO Comunicazione INRIM (2021)